Gemeinsam Ernte Feiern

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Rural Undercurrents in and around Kassel
Meet and Greet, an Economic Summit, Lumbung Kios Market and Drawing Sessions

10 and 11 September 2022

Part of Meydan#3 Weekend at Lumbung Documenta fifteen
Organised by Rural School of Economics and partners

Who holds land-based knowledge in a city and where does it become visible? Who are the women who run lasting economies? How can we share without talking?

The Rural School of Economics has been addressing, un-digging and visualising the collective findings to those questions over the last 18 months in and around Kassel.

To celebrate the vast knowledge attached to looking for undercurrents, Myvillages are inviting local and trans-local partners for a harfest on Sunday 11th September, a mix between economic summit, a pot luck dinner and a drawing school.

Language: English and German


Saturday 10 September

1pm Drawing Economic Bodies Session

Where: Myvillages Drawing Room, Hafenstrasse 76, 3rd Floor

Together with students from the Business Management School/Alanus University, who are inviting visitors to re-draw the economy together.

Sunday 11 September

Meet at Lumbung Kios und Rural Undercurrent Vending Machines
Where: Huebner Areal

Lumbung is a practice organised around collectivised economies. We are meeting Ajang from Lumbung Kios to hear more about the Lumbung Common Pot, and how the economy that emerged during documenta can support collective and networked work afterwards. We are also pulling some of the goods from the Myvillages Rural Undercurrents Vending Machines, which all embody a local economy and land-based knowledge from the trans-local network of the Rural School of Economics. This can be a tree-cutting, a Wolf Candle or a piece of rock.

Walking and Talking towards Friedrichsplat. We walk along the river Fulda back towards the centre of town.

Geological Tour to explore the Erdkilometers. Wapke from Myvillages is taking you on a walk where you will slowly cross and hold the layers of the 245 000 000 year old history of the ground we stand on.
Where: Meet at the Erdkilometer in front of the Fridericianum.

From 15.00 Harfest and Trans-local Economy Summit
Where: ruruHaus, Lower Gound

This is a Meet and Greet with local partners; the dairy cooperative Uplander Bauernmolkerei, the Shared Pot Kommune Niederkaufungen, Frauentreff Brückenhof, Schlachthof Kulturzentrum , Violets against Violence, and of course ruangrupa and Lumbung itself. Trans-local guests join us from the Sustainable Business Management School at Alanus University near Bonn , from the Scottish Sculture Workshop in Lumsden, and from the Community Economies Research Network EU.

What is happening:
The Premiere of the Film Kassel Rural Undercurrents by Myvillages.
A peer-to-peer Drawing Economic Portraits Session.
Informal introductions and presentations by all partners on running community-orientatted and lasting economies.
Launch of the Life in Hamar Booklet printed by Lumdung Press.
Refreshments, food and conversations.

18.00 End



Rural Undercurrents in und um Kassel
Meet and Greet, ein Wirtschaftstreffen, und Drawing Sessions

Teil des Meydan#3 Wochenendes der Lumbung Documenta fifteen.
Organisiert von der Rural School of Economics und Partnern.

Wer hat noch ländliches Wissen in der Stadt, und wo wird es sichtbar? Wer sind die Frauen, die erfolgreich und nachhaltig Organisationen und Unternehmen leiten? Wie können wir unser Wissen teilen, ohne zu sprechen?

Die Rural School of Economics hat in den letzten 18 Monaten kollektives Wissen zu diesen und andere Themen gemeinsam sichtbar und teilbar gemacht.

Um den Reichtum der Kassler Rural Undercurrents zu feiern, lädt Myvillages lokale und trans-lokale Partner der Rural School of Economics am Sonntag den 11. September zu einer gemeinsamen Feier der Ernte ein.

Samstag 10. September

13 – 14.30 Uhr
Treffpunkt: Drawing Room der Rural School of Economics
Wo: Hafenstrasse 76, 3.Stock
Was: Kurze Einführung zu "Redrawing the Economy" und "Economic Self Portraits". Danach gemeinsames Zeichnen mit Studienrendes des Fachbereichs Wirtschaft der Alanus Hochschule.

Sonntag 11. September

Treffpunkt Lumbung Kios und Rural Undercurrent Vending Machines
Wo: Huebner Areal / Eingangshalle
Was: Intro Lumbung Common Pot mit rurangrupa, und Rural Undercurrents
mit Myvillages

Wir laufen gemeinsam an der Aue entlang zum Friedrichsplatz

Ein einstündiger geologischer Spaziergang über den Friedrichsplatz, mit Geschichten und Wissen über die 245 000 000 Jahre alte Geschichte des Bodens, auf dem wir stehen. Mit Wapke Feenstra von Myvillages.
Treffpunkt: Erdkilometer vor dem Fridericianum

ab 15.00
Trans-lokales Wirtschaftstreffen
Wo: ruruHaus, Untergeschoss

Mit Partnern, Gästen und Akteur:innen der Rural School of Economics, u.a. Upländer Bauernmolkerei, Kommune Niederkaufungen, Frauentreff Brückenhof, Kulturzentrum Schlachthof, Violets against Violence, rurangrupa, Fachbereich Wirtschaft der Alanus Hochschule, UNO INO eG, Community Economies Research Network EU, and Scottisch Sculpture Workshop.

Premiere des Films Kassels Rural Undercurrents von Myvillages.
Wirtschaftliche Portraits in der Runde zeichnen.
Impulse und Kurzpräsentationen der Partner.
Launch Live in Hamar Publication.
Diskussion und Austausch.
Erfrischungen und Snacks.

18.00 Ende

Sprache: Deutsch und Englisch



Organised by Wapke and Kathrin from Myvillages or