Creative Workshop at Nottingham Castle

Patricia Finnegan, Artist Development Lead at Project Art Works, will be at Nottingham Castle on Tuesday 20 August for a creative workshop, coordinated by the Kaleidoscopic Realms curators. The workshop is inspired by the work of Michelle Roberts, an artist from the Project Art Works studio in Hastings, and whose work is in the exhibition. All ages and abilities welcome, and suitable for families to take part. This session is FREE, but please book your space by visiting eventbrite.

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SEGOU' ART - FSN 2025 | SALON D'ART CONTEMPORAIN DU MALI | EXPOSITION BI MALIL'appel à candidatures est lancé pour sélectionner les artistes de l'Exposition Bi Mali (le Mali Contemporain).Pour plus de détails, consultez l'appel à candidatures et téléchargez le formulaire via les liens ci-dessous :Appel : : : 15 septembre 2024Contacts :


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Délégué Général it-text-stroke-width : 0px ; ">Djibril GUISSE est spécialisé en promotion de l'économie locale et en gestion des Industries culturelles et Créatives (ICC). Il a assuré pendant dix (10) ans la direction du Conseil pour la promotion de l'économie (CPEL-Ségou), première expérience en matière de prise en main du développement culturel et économique local par les acteurs locaux et de partenariat public-privé, créé en 2006. Il a été le coordinateur du programme ‘'Ségou Ville Créative'', une initiative de la Fondation Festival sur le Niger en partenariat avec la Mairie de Ségou, qui a pour vocation de faire de la culture le pilier du développement humain durable.


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Chargé des partenariats du GKAC Titulaire d'un Master 2 en Relations Internationales d'Utrecht University (Pays-Bas), Kéba est spécialiste en relations internationales et en gestion des industries culturelles et créatives. Il a aussi fait des études en Relations Internationales et Politologie à la Sorbonne (France). Il est le Coordinateur de l'Association SMARTS Ségou visant à valoriser les produits locaux et faciliter les échanges entre les acteurs culturels en vue de promouvoir l'art malien et le renforcement des capacités des artistes et artisans tout en stimulant la création artistique dans la cité.

Residential, a publication

Project Art Works are launching a new publication, Residential, a catalogue of two exhibitions that celebrate beginnings and endings. Residential at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art (23 September 2023 – 25 February 2024) represented the culmination of a two-year collaboration between the Baltic and Project Art Works but also some of the final acts of Explorers, a seven-year project of art, discourse and activism in the UK and internationally, through which Project Art Works and its partners foregrounded the lives, art and experience of neurominorities.

Open Call Manager

OPEN CALLManager Gudskul Studi Kolektif Masa Kerja: Agustus 2024 – September 2026 (2 tahun)Lokasi: Gudskul Ekosistem, Jl Durian 30A, Jagakarsa, Jakarta SelatanPeriode kerja:Mulai Agustus 2024 – September 2026.Senin – Jumat atau 5 hari kerja dalam satu minggu. Lamaran dapat dikirim ke: dengan subjek ‘Open Call Manager Gudskul Studi Kolektif #6’ Berisi: CV/PortofolioSurat Lamaran (maks. 750 kata) yang menyatakan alasan ketertarikan dan narasi pendek mengenai pengalaman manajerial sebelumnya Deskripsi Pekerjaan:

Celebrating Explorers

Autograph and Project Art Works warmly invite you to join us in celebrating the EXPLORERS project and its communities as the project comes to a close. EXPLORERS is a dynamic collaborative programme of art and action that opens up routes into artistic practice for neurominorities, dismantling attitudinal and systemic barriers to representation and rights in art and society. Monday 29th July 4pm – Quieter early opening 5pm – 7pm – Speeches, drinks and shop open

How Art Works

How Art Works, Stories of Supported Studios by Dr Chloe Watern has been published by Routledge. “We do not know what we do not know. We do not see what we do not see. We do not hear what we do not hear. This book redresses ongoing invisibility and silence. At the same time, it challenges modes of thinking that seek to classify and define. Through stories of particular people and practices, I conceptualise art as a mode of being, a way of communing with the world, and each other within it.

Legal Training Opportunities

Renaissance Legal, who are based in Brighton, specialise in working with families and carers of disabled and vulnerable individuals. The Project Art Works Support Collective often work with the team and they have released new dates for their specialised training. All the training is free to attend, use the links below to book and find out more. Welfare Benefits webinar – Wednesday 3 July, 10.00am via Zoom If you are a parent or carer of a young person with disabilities or additional needs, you may be concerned about navigating the complicated benefits system in the right way.

Harvest on Majelis 16 March 2024 – Tool Sheds Fellowship – Casco Art Institute

General Threads what is lumbung kios? how to keep experimenting with the tools and stay playful? how do we (centralize) exchange? and who benefits? how to communicate/organize/negotiate the needs of the collective? how do we work across affinities/overlaps/connections between working groups? how do we connect the local to the not-so-local and make it meaningful on both ends? how to fit our way of working to a beyond documenta15 moment? are we still working with the values built/articulated through documenta15?

Harvest on Majelis 15 March 2024 – Tool Sheds Fellowship – Casco Art Institute

Erick explained how’s lumbung press using as a kind of storage for their work. Yazan told of the website and publication on learning Palestine. Roel explained of how to continue as infrastructure but also how to taking care this together the importance of as a kind of library but also how it can be connect to the lumbung kios as one of the tools Hands-on session with Reinaart how to use lumbung.
lumbung radio