Party Office at d15/ it takes a village ;)
Gratitude towards those who made documenta fifteen possible for us:
Project was funded by documenta fifteen and Goethe Institut, New Delhi
Party Office is an anticaste, antiracist, transfeminist art and social space based in New Delhi, India, also at satellite locations and as conceptual architecture. Through publications, grants, radical archives, conversations of life lived, social gatherings, parties and more, we are building transnational dialogues on empathetic futures, care communities and radical agency.
Practicar el Lumbung. Un reccorido en imágenes por documenta 15, por Alejandra Villasmil
Practicing the Lumbung: An Overview of documenta 15 in Pictures, by Alejandra Villasmil 。。。English translation below 。。。
La historia está plagada de capítulos sombríos donde los intereses geopolíticos y económicos terminan por incidir en la libre expresión cultural. En los casos más complejos, terminan en censura y autocensura. Desde este sur global, solo basta mirar los casos de Cuba y Venezuela.
Lo acontecido en la última edición de documenta se inserta precisamente en este juego del poder político, que tristemente ha acabado por socavar el derecho a la manifestación artística de un grupo de participantes de entre los 1.
Nongkrong, small challenge, yet it’s just that we’re here now…
Documenta15 is over. This is the first time that I felt sorry that the exhibition is over.I tried to write this several times before the end of the 100 days, but I couldn’t: whether to write an official, write a personal , or this hesitation prevented me from writing.Now, I think I should write.NongkrongDo we have a Nongkrong? There is a Nongkrong in Indonesian. This means “Let’s hang out!”. All of our friends used it in Kassel.