Curatography ISSUE 8 Online Launch: Reformatting documenta with lumbung Formula--documenta 15 with Curating Asia International. Several writers including Putra Hidayatullah, Jiandyin, Hsiang-Pin Wu, Sandy Hsiu-chih Lo are invited to deliver their talks regarding the issue.
#lumbungdotspace #curatography
There are territorial commands by the military to control the resistance toward the assaults and maintain the growth of private properties. To preserve control, it keeps bringing up the issue of communism revival. Some images such as a song album cover are accused of its related to communism. The moral panic continues as such pictures (with hammer and sickle) appeared on T-Shirt. Even such panic arises when it naturally looks appeared on fish skin.
John's research has been about the series of events in 1965-1966 that resulted in the creation of a military dictatorship and the killings of many lives, especially left-wings. John Rossa showed pictures of paintings by Djoko Pekik portraying the event of how people disappeared by the military, with no traces, and no funeral. #lettherebelumbung #documentafifteen #lumbungdotspace #harvestedbyputra
The research conducted by Fixer team and Lumbung Indonesia shows the percentage of collective spread in Indonesia after 2010. Many new collectives flourish outside Java with different localities, contexts, and issues. #documentafifteen #harvestedbyputra #lumbungdotspace
#lumbungindonesia #harvestedbyputra
Lumbung Indonesia is part of a research project to see how collectives in Indonesia have evolved since 2000. The preliminary research was conducted by Ade Darmawan and Rifky Goro from 2000 to 2010. The existence of collectives in Indonesia during that time was seen as the result of a centralistic art production where most art centers were located in big cities.
#documentafifteen #harvestedbyputra #lumbungdotspace
#lumbungindonesia #harvestedbyputra
The first chapter is entitled multi-species storytelling
Three women set a fire on shovels. With muttering mouths, they approach the audience with smokes spreading from their shovels. Not long after, the sound of nature is heard. chirping birds followed by thunder. Someone hums causing goosebumps. #newruralagendasummit #documentafifteen
Jatiwangi art Factory: New Rural Agenda Summit (21/06/22)
Visitors take turns getting a seat at a round table made of arranged bottle boxes—collectives and individuals involved in documenta, delegations from Germany, Indonesia, mayors, artists, and many others are coming together in the space. #newruralagendasummit #documentafifteen
It is connected to cooperative leadership, bossless leadership, or, in another word, autonomy within a collaboration
One last important thing is it is owned by everyone. When it works, 8% of the money raised is to pay for the team working to create the technology needed. #lumbungkios #learningsession #documentafifteen
#opencollective #carolinewoolard
Open Collective is built by open source engineer. A group of people comes together to create it. It doesn't steal confidential data. There's also a group of non-profit people with knowledge of working with NGOs and charities. Another group is grassroots organizer activists with expertise in democratic decision-making. How, then, to get these different worlds to come together? Caroline shows a slide with a diagram. #lumbungkios #learningsession #documentafifteen
#opencollective #carolinewoolard
Open Collective (Learning Session - Lumbung Kios, 26/05/22)
People are in the same virtual room to learn about open collective. It starts with the introduction as a short check-in.
Our speaker is Caroline Woolard, an American artist, and organizer, whose work explores intersections between art and the solidarity economy.
So, what is open collective? The most important thing to say about open collective is it serves for two things: raising money and having a non-profit status.
From pen.lumbung.space
Where is the Art?
Different cultures have different concepts and definitions of art. documenta fifteen processes are no exception, where the definition of art becomes another space for conversation. The involvement of lumbung inter-lokal from various cities in the world has come with different concepts. When this is brought together in the context of documenta fifteen taking place in Europe, a new dynamic takes place. At least two main features are visible.
The first is the tendency of how art tends to be associated with objects resulting from the achievements of individual genius.
From pen.lumbung.space
Some Notes on Lumbung Kios
(Learning Session with Kate Rich – 04032021)
Everyone from different cities is joining. They are from lumbung members, mostly: Gudskul from Jakarta, Festival Le Sur Niger from Mali, Britto Arts Trust from Dhaka, Trampolin House from Copenhagen and others. It was started with a quick introduction.
Kate is currently in Tasmania, Australia. She’s going to talk about the feral trade. As an artist, she has been dealing with trade for almost twenty years.
Relampago based in Bogota, Colombia. It tries to be part of social communities with social difficulties. It circulates knowledge by printing many different things. Relampago also has space where exhibitions and workshops are conducted. #lumbungofpublishersassembly
#harvestedbyputra #documentafifteen
David Schilter from Kus!, Latvia, introduces his publisher and publishing works. There're books such as comics published. Some are published in several different languages by collaborating from historians, for instance on the issue of the Holocaust, queer, etc. In addition to publishing, Kus! also has exhibition making. #lumbungofpublishersassembly
#harvestedbyputra #documentafifteen
Johanna Rojola & Petra Virtanen from Kutikuti, Helsinki, Finland. They are publishing comics. It's a non-profit publisher. Some of the funding comes from sales and government/public funds. Some works are published through the internet. They also make exhibitions with various themes and issues. #lumbungofpublishersassembly
#harvestedbyputra #documentafifteen
Ala Younis from Jordan and her colleague from Cairo. They have a project called kaifata or how-to for various issues with various authors. It's in pocket size to be published in the Arab world and beyond. They also make exhibitions on publishing issues. #lumbungofpublishersassembly
#harvestedbyputra #documentafifteen
Mariamurdean - Consonni: It's interesting to invite publishers and they are interested in this idea. There are writers invited to write for lumbung stories in form of fiction. The publishers are from various countries and languages such Spanish, Arabic, German, etc. #lumbungofpublishersassembly
#harvestedbyputra #documentafifteen
Party Office see their space as a way of thinking and doing politics for the community collectively. It's a critical community that is accountable for its own positionality within the structure they are part of. There's a reflection that apart from critiquing, there's a need to create architecture of where to practice especially in the area of queer time and space.
After a short break, all come with questions from Abdul (to the artistic team): What element could be supporting your works? What are the challenges? What obstacles are in your way? What are you expecting from people around you? All are going to discuss with each group. #harvestoftheharvest
Harvest and the Untold Stories
(16 November 2021)
The artistic team is on board. All are ready to take the journey to the past; going through time heading to the early beginning of the documenta fifteen. Beginning with short check in, everyone shares personal experiences on the current situation around. The stories emerge from Kassel to Jakarta, and other places.
Reza: "And then, it was the first time we had Indonesian food in Kassel. We had Verena to be in the majelis. She was the first to involve in management. We watch chelsea football match in Bosphorus. Gertrude: Then we had a press conference in Goethe Institute. The discussion is on what is documenta and why they select ruangrupa. The venue was confirmed in June 2019, the ruruhaus. #harvestoftheharvest
Ajeng: "And then, everyone met in Tana Kita to allow ourselves to have a dream team"
Reza: "And then we have a meeting in Kassel. Back then, Ade, Ajeng, Indra. It was the first time being Kassel."
Ade: "And then we went to Farid's wedding. I was asked to give the speech in the wedding. And then, we invited Lara, Gertrude, Fred, Andrea, Ayse to Tana Kita. It was the time when we had a small office in a container in Gudskul.