quick note on lumbung.space (part 1)

design by studio4oo2 and lumbung.space working group Since the internet became popular, it has become a medium that allows the creation of new solidarity between users spread across various regions. Unfortunately, this internet networking ability is not necessarily neutral, it exists on platforms controlled by elites and full of surveillance. Nonetheless, these digital solidarity practices continue to give rise to new—more egalitarian ideas and forms; that continue to explore the unique potentials of internet use.

Practicar el Lumbung. Un reccorido en imágenes por documenta 15, por Alejandra Villasmil

Practicing the Lumbung: An Overview of documenta 15 in Pictures, by Alejandra Villasmil 。。。English translation below 。。。 La historia está plagada de capítulos sombríos donde los intereses geopolíticos y económicos terminan por incidir en la libre expresión cultural. En los casos más complejos, terminan en censura y autocensura. Desde este sur global, solo basta mirar los casos de Cuba y Venezuela. Lo acontecido en la última edición de documenta se inserta precisamente en este juego del poder político, que tristemente ha acabado por socavar el derecho a la manifestación artística de un grupo de participantes de entre los 1.

We are angry, we are sad, we are tired, we are united.

Scroll down and click on the tab “Public Signatories” if you wish to add your name to the list Dear Christian Geselle, Angela Dorn, Susanne Völker, Claudia Roth, the Supervisory Board and the Shareholders of documenta, We are angry, we are sad, we are tired, we are united. We have tried our best to stay above the chaos, hostility, racism and censorship that have engulfed this edition of documenta. We have tried our best to stay focused and committed to our work and the promises and hopes of the lumbung.